Monday, December 17, 2007

10 Billion And Counting

Mike was your average ordinary kid going to college at the University of Texas in Austin. Or so everyone thought. Mike had big dreams and had developed a plan for achieving those dreams. So he decided to drop out of college to start his business out of his garage with a little more than one thousand dollars. Everyone thought he was crazy and he took his share of harsh words from the people closest around him. Today that tiny startup company is the Dell Computer Corporation. Dell now averages around 30 million per day in online sales. All Mike started with was a idea and the desire and persistence to see that dream through to the end.

Today online sales are huge. Many big companies are making the move online. The internet has leveled the playing field. If you wanted to start a business in the sixties you would have to get a business loan, hire employees, and go through many other hassles. Today the internet makes it easy for the average person to make a living.

The key to any successful business is leverage. Leverage is what separates the winners from the losers. The internet has given leverage to the anyone who wishes to take advantage of it.

Building a business online is not hard it will just require work, patience, and a willingness to learn. There are many opportunities online for you to choose from. You can sell things on Ebay or join a company as an affiliate and sell their product. Or if you wish to go it alone, try finding something you enjoy doing and see how the internet can help you turn it into money. Online sales are well above 10 billion, the only question is are you making any of that 10 billion?

This article was written by Eric Fields. If you want to signup for a free business course and receive 500 dollars worth of free ebooks visit,

This article may be reprinted provided no part thereof is edited in any way and this resource box is included.

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Benefits Of A Coin Counter And Coin Sorter

Manually counting coins everyday can be a tiresome and boring task. It is also a great waste of your valuable time. If you own a business which accepts coins as payment such as a laundry or car wash business, manually counting the coins from your daily sales will most likely take up a lot of your time.

When you start to have more customers, you will certainly be swamped with too many coins in one day. It will be very difficult for you to continue counting your coins manually. To save your time and effort in counting the coins from your daily sales, you should buy a coin counter. A coin counter will assist you in counting your coins and will save a lot of your time and effort in counting your coins everyday.

How To Choose The Right Coin Counter

As there are different types of coin counters that are being sold in the market today, you must make sure that you buy the right coin counter for your business. The first thing you should do is to evaluate your needs before you get one. For example, if you work in a place where you do not have easy access to electricity, it would be best if you buy one of those portable manually operated coin counters.

The benefit of a portable manually operated coin counter is that you can use it just about anywhere. However, the disadvantage of using a portable manual counter is that it will take a lot more of your energy to operate. Using a manually operated counter is more difficult compared to an automatic or the electrically powered coin counter.

Coin Counter And Sorter

If you have many denominations of coins to be counted because your business accepts more than one coin denomination, it would be a best to get a coin counter and sorter. This is because a machine that is purely designed to count coins will not really sort the coins for you. If you try to feed nickels, dimes and quarters all together into the machine, it will not count for you how much dimes, nickels and quarters there are. So, to make your job easier, you should purchase a coin counter and sorter instead of just a coin sorter.

This type of machine will certainly cost you more than if you buy just a coin counter. But the good news is that you will no longer need to manually separate the different coins before you feed them into the machine for counting.

A coin sorter usually uses the weight, size and shape of the coin to sort the coins. Coin sorters are usually very accurate so you do not have to worry about losing your money.

Different Types Of Coin Sorters Available

The advantage of a coin sorter is that you just have put the coins in the coin sorter and it will do the rest of the work of you. Coin sorter will only take a few minutes to finish the task that could cost you almost an hour. As the coin sorter will now do the counting of your coins for you, you will be able to do other tasks with your extra time.

The Digital Coin Sorter

A digital coin sorter is one of the most useful types of coin sorters now available in the market. Digital coin sorters come in many different models. Some are small and battery operated which you can only load up to 20 coins at one time. There are also big heavy duty coin sorters that you can use for sorting larger amounts of coins. If you need to count lots of coins every week, you should get a heavy duty digital coin sorter.

The good thing about the digital sorter is that with just a press of the button, you can quickly see how many dimes, nickels, pennies and quarters have been counted. Most of the digital sorters can accept newer coins. This will save you from having to manually sort your coins and separate the old coins from the new coins.

Make sure that you get a good digital coin sorter, by trying it out at the store before you buy it. Ask the salesclerk to explain the functions of the coin sorter you are going to purchase so that you will be able to decide whether the coin sorter will be suitable for you.

Cindy Heller is a professional writer. Visit gold coin values to learn more about antique coin appraisal and how to determine silver coin values.

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

All That You Want To Know About Coin Sorters


A coin sorter is a small device which lets you sort coins of different denominations in a jiffy. Suppose your kid suddenly decides to empty his piggy bank and empties it. Now you can't possibly sit and count the coins! This is where it comes in handy. After a hard day you return home and your work is such that you get a lot of change like in tips and so on. Then it is just the thing for you. You simply pour all your loose change into it and in a moment it sorts and counts and rolls the change for you.

It is a device which is used chiefly by banks, currency exchanges. Restaurants, stores and any other place which deals with a lot of loose change. You may even keep one at home. It is very simple to use. You just have to pour all your loose change into it and then press a button. There are different slots made for coins of different denominations. The machine does everything. It sorts and counts and then rolls the change in a roller. It even separates the counterfeit coins from the original ones. There is a Motorized coin sorter and roller for at-home use. It handles up to 20 coins at a time and also stacks coins directly into roll wrappers. It can also hold $1 coins.

There is a built-in overflow tray which doesn't allow the coins to overflow. Thus you can well imagine its importance for your business. Suppose your business is of such a nature where you have to deal with a lot of loose change then such a machine is indeed a blessing for you. Just think of the time and energy you would otherwise spend on counting all that loose change and to top it all the monotony of it all and the chances of making a mistake!

These coin sorters have also been known to develop saving habits in the kids. When the kids see their money sorted, counted and rolled out they get a thrill out of it. This encourages them to save their pocket money. There are many models available in the market. They differ in their looks as well as their speed. There are even models which can sort 1000 coins in a minute! They all are portable and battery operated. There are some models which can be hooked to your computer, so your data in the computer is also updated at the same time. You can select any model that you find attractive and suitable for your requirement. The battery consumption is pretty low. It uses just 3 x C batteries in a year.

Rory Hawkins writes about All that you want to Know About Coin Sorters. To visit =>electronic coin sorter, motorized coin sorter and canadian coin sorter.

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Monday, December 3, 2007

When Money Matters, Call Accounting Software Can Ensure Your Business Success

Call accounting and telecom billing software provides many business benefits that can both save money, as well as help businesses generate revenue

Call accounting and telecom billing software provides many business benefits that can both save money, as well as help businesses generate revenue. A feature-rich call accounting software can provide many business benefits, such as:

? Long Distance Bill Verification: Was the bill from your chosen long distance phone company accurate? Mostly, it isn't. Using a call accounting system to check your long distance gives you some peace of mind - and documentation to back up your request for a refund of overpayments you may have made.

? Motivate sales people: The more phone calls they make, the more they sell. Keep track of their call volume and manage them accordingly.

? Bill Clients and Projects back for telephone charges incurred on their behalf: Every lawyer, government contractor, etc. does it. It makes sense.

? Allocate telephone calling costs among departments and divisions: Telephones - voice, data, video and imaging - are some of your biggest expenses. They're a cost that should be allocated to the products you are making, or the departments and divisions in your company. Telephone costs can determine which product is profitable. Which isn't. A software company recently dropped one of its three "big" software packages because phone calls for support got too expensive.

? Control Telephone Misuse: The rates for calling can vary widely depending on your carrier rate, the route the call takes, who makes the dialing decision...a call accounting system is a good check to see if you are spending money needlessly.

If your business isn't using a call accounting or telecom expense management software, you could be losing money.

 Karen Ritz, VP Business Development for TelSoft Solutions, writes on the business benefits of call accounting and call detail record technology. More information can be found at

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An Introduction to Coin Counters

Coin counters are machines, sometimes manual, sometimes battery operated and sometimes electrical which sort, count and sometimes wrap hard currency. Coin counters are useful at home for sorting loose change into bankable money.

Home currency coin counters

If you traditionally are a coin saver, maybe emptying your change pocket into a jar or bank, or even a box or larger container, you know that the coins become very heavy. They are too heavy to be carried around in a purse or pocketbook, yet the coins still have value. They can be a wonderful emergency fund for those last minute Christmas or birthday gifts when the credit cards are maxed out. If you have always hated the process of sorting, counting and wrapping the money which you have collected, a coin counter/sorter may be just the tool to make your shopping easier. Unless you are a coin collector and have special display boxes for unique or valuable coins, most change jar coins are a mixtures of nickels, dimes, quarters and pennies.

If you grab a handful of the change and put it into the hopper and turn on the coin sorter counter, you will soon have a collection of neatly sorted, counted and wrapped coin sleeves ready to take to the nearest bank or merchant. Another good use of the coin counter at home is to teach your child the value of saving. They will have the fun of putting coins into battery operated coin counters and saving toward a goal. For less expense, you may want to search for used coin counters. They are just as dependable as the new ones, although they may not include some of the more innovative technology available in the later models.

Commercial currency coin counters

Any time you have a business which garners a lot of coins; a coin counter sorter is a helpful tool to save you time and money. For instance, if you have a vending route with coin operated machines, it is helpful to drop the quarters into the coin counter and finish out your day with correctly wrapped and counted sleeve of coins. Of course, if coins other than quarters are required, such as in some older Laundromats, you may prefer a coin sorter counter. As its name indicates, the coin counter sorter will separate the dimes from the quarters, wrap each and provide you with the total dollars and cents collected by category.

Portable coin counters

Portable coin counters, usually means battery operated coin counters. They are useful in all the places where an electric coin counter would be, but in addition, they can be transported out on your vending machine route or to the local flea market booth where you sell your goods.

Think about a gift of a coin counter for a child's birthday gift, along with a few coins to get them started and you may help them develop good savings habits through out their lifetime.

A gift of a coin counter/sorter makes a thoughtful and useful tribute when a friend is opening a new business. They will remember you each time they use the coin sorter. If your budget won't handle a new electronic sorter, find a good quality used coin counter.

Samantha Clark heads consumer reviews at One of the web's most popular Online Shopping sites.

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Sunday, December 2, 2007

10 Billion And Counting

Mike was your average ordinary kid going to college at the University of Texas in Austin. Or so everyone thought. Mike had big dreams and had developed a plan for achieving those dreams. So he decided to drop out of college to start his business out of his garage with a little more than one thousand dollars. Everyone thought he was crazy and he took his share of harsh words from the people closest around him. Today that tiny startup company is the Dell Computer Corporation. Dell now averages around 30 million per day in online sales. All Mike started with was a idea and the desire and persistence to see that dream through to the end.

Today online sales are huge. Many big companies are making the move online. The internet has leveled the playing field. If you wanted to start a business in the sixties you would have to get a business loan, hire employees, and go through many other hassles. Today the internet makes it easy for the average person to make a living.

The key to any successful business is leverage. Leverage is what separates the winners from the losers. The internet has given leverage to the anyone who wishes to take advantage of it.

Building a business online is not hard it will just require work, patience, and a willingness to learn. There are many opportunities online for you to choose from. You can sell things on Ebay or join a company as an affiliate and sell their product. Or if you wish to go it alone, try finding something you enjoy doing and see how the internet can help you turn it into money. Online sales are well above 10 billion, the only question is are you making any of that 10 billion?

This article was written by Eric Fields. If you want to signup for a free business course and receive 500 dollars worth of free ebooks visit,

This article may be reprinted provided no part thereof is edited in any way and this resource box is included.

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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Treatment Of Bills Receivable In The Accounting Process

Usually this agreement entered into by the buyer stipulates that payment must be made within 30 days. In recent years, the tremendous increase in the use of credit cards, issued by financial institutions to their customers, has done much to simplify these accounting transactions.

Bills, although no longer widely used, are still important in the wholesale trade and in foreign transactions. Bills have certain characteristics that make them negotiable documents. A financial document is negotiable if it can be transferred from one person to another. This is achieved by the holder endorsing the document and delivering it to the other party. Bearer documents are transferred by delivery alone. To be negotiable, a financial document or bill must have the characteristic that, under given circumstances, the owner's rights are unalienable, even though his predecessor's rights were defective or invalid.

A bill is a negotiable document in the accounting process. It is an unconditional, written instruction issued by one person to another whereby the latter is instructed to pay on demand, at a specified or specifiable future date, a certain sum of money, either to the order of the person specified, or to the bearer.

There are at least three parties in the accounting bill records, namely the drawer, the drawee and the payee or bearer. The three parties need to be different persons; the same person can be party to the bill in more than one capacity. For example, the drawer can specify that the money must be paid to himself, therefore he is both the drawer and payee simultaneously.

The definition of a bill stated that it could be made out to 'bearer', in which case any person in possession of the bill on the due date could claim payment from the drawee. This means that the right to receive payment of a bill can be transferred to another person merely by handing it to him or her. If the word 'bearer' is crossed out and replaced by 'order' (pertaining to the possible negotiability of the document) it means that the drawee is instructed to pay the amount concerned to the payee, or to any person specified by him in writing, or to any holder subsequently specified. Such written specification must appear on the bill itself (usually on the back) and is know as an endorsement. Therefore, within the accounting process is bill is considered as a negotiable document.

When an enterprise enters into a large number of bill transactions, it is impractical to make a separate journal entry for each accounting transaction. In such cases, a separate journal with the necessary columns is used as a subsidiary journal. Accepted bills are valuable documents and, as in the case of cash, must be controlled properly in an accounting system. They must be safely stored immediately upon receipt. The balance on the bills receivable accounting control account must be compared regularly with the items in the bills book and with the bills on hand.

Bills receivable are current assets and are shown in the accounting balance sheets as such, together with other current assets. They are shown at face value, less any possible provision for doubtful recovery. Bills receivable are often combined with debtors as a single amount, shown as debtors and bills. As in the case of debtors, provision should be made for any bills that could possibly be irrecoverable.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Accounting